Lusio Rehab's Allsorts Developmental Services Virtual Roadshow

Welcome to the unique one stop shop we've developed in partnership with Allsorts Developmental Services to assist with self-onboarding and LusioMATE platform education.
Please use the following Quick Links below to take you to the area of the Virtual Roadshow that best suits your needs today.
LusioMATE Demo Video - for a quick overview of the LusioMATE platform.
Quick Setup Guide - an easy 8 Step process that will get you set up with the LusioMATE App doing a Right Wrist Extension Flexion exercise playing a classic Lusio game, Lusio Basketball.
LusioMATE Platform Guides - a directory of video guides that dive a little deeper into some of the platform features.
FAQ - Troubleshooting - answers to the most common questions that come up when using the platform.
Welcome / Refresher Zoom Session - a link for you to book a Zoom ‘Welcome Session’, if new to the team, or ‘Refresher Session’, if there is something that you would like to understand better about the platform, with one of the Team Lusio trainers.
Client Referral - a link to the LusioMATE Sign-Up form for any Allsorts Developmental referral clients to LusioMATE.
LusioMATE Demo Video
What is LusioMATE? If you are new to the Allsorts Developmental clinical team and / or LusioMATE, then please watch the short video below.
Quick Setup Guide
The Quick Setup Guide is a simple 8 Step process that will get new members of the clinical team, and / or clinicians that are simply new to LusioMATE, set up and ready to use with clients quickly and easily.
NOTE - the Allsorts Developmental Admin Account login is as follows:
Username -
Password - Please ask your Manager / Team Lead for password.
Use this Admin Account to login when following the Quick Setup Guide.
Follow this link for the Quick Setup Guide and Back in your browser tab anytime to come back to the Virtual Roadshow.
LusioMATE Platform Guides
This area has an ever growing series of short video guides which take a deeper dive into some of the features of the LusioMATE gaming platform.
Follow this link for the LusioMATE Platform Guides and Back in your browser tab anytime to come back to the Virtual Roadshow.
FAQ / Troubleshooting
We all know how annoying small tech problems can be, and how they can interrupt our workflow and momentum. Unfortunately we cannot stop them from happening but we have tried to make it easier and simpler to solve them.
Follow this link for the LusioMATE Platform FAQ & Troubleshooting and Back in your browser tab anytime to come back to the Virtual Roadshow.
Welcome / Refresher Zoom Session
The whole purpose of the unique one stop shop bespoke Virtual Roadshow is to provide the Allsorts Developmental clinical team with a super accessible resource with which to support their use of LusioMATE with Allsorts Developmental clients. Whatever the level of LusioMATE knowledge amongst individual team members at any one time, it is intended that there is enough within this one stop shop to support your needs.
With that in mind, the Welcome / Refresher Zoom session is there for anyone who might need it, whenever they might need it. Should you need it to help you onboard and understand the platform better, or to deep dive into extending the possibilities of the platform with clients, or even to set up a session with a client; we are there for you.
Please book in a time at your convenience via the link below:
Book a LusioMATE Welcome / Refresher Zoom Session
Client Referral
Please use the Sign-up Form to refer any clients to the LusioMATE platform. Once the form is completed we will issue an NDIS Quote for the Client and forward it to them within 24 hours.
Allsorst Developmental Services LusioMATE Client Referral Sign-Up Form