LusioMATE for Individuals



We are very proud that clients using LusioMATE range in age from 4 - 94 years of age with an incredibly varied personal need to move such as Stroke, Parkinson’s, MS, TBI, Spinal Injuries, CP, Chronic Pain and MSK.



LusioMATE is Low Cost and Low Risk with the NDIS and can be funded via, Assistive Technology, from either a Core funding budget or from the following sub-categories of your NDIS funding: Consumables, Capacity Building, Personal Mobility, Assistive Equipment Recreation.  It can also be funded through Workcover and other third party insurers - Contact Team Lusio today for more information and an appraisal of your personal situation.

LusioMATE’s fun and engaging exergames, and its remote monitoring and prescription capability, make it uniquely placed to help motivate individuals to complete physical therapy programs, achieve their movement goals and result in better health outcomes.

With access to the LusioMATE ecosystem you can take complete control over your physical therapy.  Invite your clinical team to be a part of your LusioMATE PT and they can have  access to your progress 24/7 to monitor, prescribe movement goals and give feedback as is necessary. They can be a part of the continuum of your care beyond just the face to face appointment.


Why LusioMATE?

  • Motivates achievement of movement goals
  • Drives therapy program adherence
  • Small and portable - can be used anytime, anywhere
  • Remote monitoring and prescribing
  • The physical therapist in your pocket
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