inc kid Clothing: A Brand Breathing Inclusion
There’s only so many times you can get distracted from something you really want to follow up on; even in this day and age of super scrolling news feeds, when distractions and rabbit holes of discovery can take you off your path or train of thought within the blink of an eye.
Despite many of those moments, I was determined to delve deeper into this wonderful brand after seeing it fly past the Lusio Rehab Instagram feed on more than one occasion. inc kid just looked so cool, I mean what isn’t cool about images like this? Totally adorably cool and just screaming ‘come and check me out!!'
The inc kid Story
Luckily for us inckidworld - the inc kid Instagram channel - reached out to us and that was the catalyst for delving deeper; and we are so glad they did. inc kid is the wonderful story of a mummy finding a need to make life easier for herself and her child within the helter skelter rush of getting dressed and ready for the day. Jeans and AFOs (Ankle Foot Orthotics) just didn’t make for an easy start to the day!! So the mummy set about designing her own range of clothes, specifically jeans that could fit over AFOs and jumpers that could fit over heads and splints. The expressed aim? To make it easier for kids to self-dress and to empower them with self-confidence. Safe to say from where we sit, this mummy has nailed it!!
The Range
inc kid says it all; inclusivity for all kids, whatever their challenges. Her range of clothing is therapist endorsed and super cool. Check the range on the inc kid website. Not only do all the clothes look great but they are made locally in Australia (we love that but then we would...we’re a little biased). The range is gender neutral, made from super soft, stretchy and breathable 100% natural materials that feel comfy and luxurious on young delicate skin.
Massive Lusio thumbs up to inc kid for creating a brilliant business by providing a range of clothing which does so much for kids living with challenges. We can’t wait to hopefully do more with them in the future, but more importantly we are as excited as anyone within their community to see what they bring out in the next range.
If you are new to inc kid I really urge you to check out their website and or socials, particularly if you have kids who could benefit from their awesome clothing range.
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